Loosely based on Scott Snyder's terrible Court of Owls story from the comics. It was a huge retcon-heavy piece of crap. The story for this movie is about a secret vigilante organization named the Court of Owls that tries to use Batman's son (and current Robin) Damian to get at Batman. As with the last movie, Son of Batman, Damian is the best part of this. The voicework is competent but unimpressive. I still remain a critic of Jason O'Mara's nasally Batman. The story is a mess that only skirts the edges of making sense. Trust me, the comics were worse. If you're unfamiliar with the comics you will likely be lost. Even if you saw Son of Batman, you will probably still be lost. There's some decent action in the last quarter that helps in a "turn off your brain and enjoy it" sort of way but it's ultimately just one of those things that's worth watching once and then forgetting. Oh and for parents who may care: this movie, like most of the recent DC animated movies, is full of violence, coarse language, and as much nudity and sexuality as they can get away with. Even Bruce Wayne's mom is "sexied up" in a flashback. So think about that, as well as the overly complicated plot only the initiated can follow, before you subject your kids to this.
the Batman vs. Robin full movie download in italian
Batman vs robin is too misleading title for the movie . But apart from that it's very good movie and adapted the court of owls arc very well . I find the court of owls very creepy . Sometimes movies feel like batman's forgetting his moral code like decapitate talons alfred using shotguns wasted nightwing but his action sequences are interesting . But it should have been more 2ff7e9595c